

Archive: September, 2023

Courage, Commitment, and COVID-19: How the JA2 Team Achieved Success in the Face of a Global Pandemic
September 29, 2023
A group of 15 staff stand with awards and official US flags are in the background

DOD Announces Release of 2023 Strategy for Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction
September 28, 2023
American flags against a blue sky background

ASC Faces of the Force - Public Service Above All
September 27, 2023
Yellow star with black background

Army AL&T Feature - Expedited Delivery
September 18, 2023
A service member practices administering the high-dose naloxone autoinjector (NAI) as a rescue treatment to counter opioid poisoning.

Phage Selected, Nature Approved: A Biothreat Detection Paradigm
September 15, 2023
red colored spots on a black background

Safety Day 2023: Taking Personal Responsibility for a Safer Tomorrow
September 7, 2023
A man sits in a low tricycle riding between orange cones in a warehouse facility. The passenger is making a funny face and holing up his right arm in a fist. He dons a yellow hard hat with a camera and large goggles.


Download our press kit, which includes helpful documents to better understand our work, such as – Command Brief, Chemical Biological Defense Program's Enterprise strategy, the JPEO-CBRND's Capabilities Catalog, Leadership Biographies, COVID-19 fact sheets, and contracting overview documents.  



JPEO-CBRND Public Affairs Office

The JPEO-CBRND Public Affairs Office coordinates and responds to all public affairs and media relations needs on behalf of the JPEO-CBRND. To request a speaker, subject matter expert, or for other interview or request for comment please email our Public Affairs Office email below.