JETT - Joint Enterprise Technology Tool

JETT – Your Conduit for Doing Business with the JPEO-CBRND

JETT is our innovative technology action platform connecting you to the Joint Chem Bio Enterprise. If you have an idea or a technology that could help protect the Joint Force, we want to know about it!

Developed with industry in mind, JETT is intended to make conversations between the United States Government (USG) and industry members easier and help connect you to the right people from the start. JETT serves as a market research tool to ensure the Joint Chem Bio Enterprise is aware of the work that industry is pursuing and informs us about where we might focus our efforts and help shape the future capabilities.

When you complete a JETT submission, you’ll be connected to one or more of our offices and their staff for additional conversation about potential opportunities.

*JETT is not a source selection portal, nor will information provided be used to award a contract. JETT is intended only for publicly available material and is not to be used to submit anything proprietary or classified, including personally identifiable information (PII).

Learn more about the JPEO-CBRND and our mission here.

Capability Registration*

You can be part of our team. You can make a difference. We are ready to solve problems with you. If you have all the information and documentation needed to submit your capability, please click the link below to register!

What You Need for Your JETT Submission

Capability Submission Process

This process remains the same for each capability you submit. You can submit as many capabilities as you would like, but the submission process must be followed each time. Registering your capability will generate a unique link (found in your confirmation email) for you to submit your information and documentation.

Register your capability icon

1. Register your capability

Receive email confirmation icon

2. Receive confirmation email

Complete questionnaire icon

3. Complete questionnaire from email link

Upload documentation icon

4. Upload requested documentation

Submit application icon

5. Submit your application

Connect with a person icon

6. Connect with a live person

Capability Submission Checklist

We recommend gathering the information listed below about your technology or capability before submitting. We also ask that you upload up to 3 documents that include a company overview and describe your technology or capability. These documents can be up to 10 MB each (in Microsoft Office or .pdf formats). IMPORTANT NOTE:  no proprietary or confidential/trade secret material can be accepted.

Commercial development status icon
Status of commercial development
Sensitivity and specificity data icon
Sensitivity and specificity data
Detailed technical description icon
Detailed technical descriptions
Associated materials, manufacturing, and supply chain icon
Knowledge of associated materials, manufacturing, and supply chain
Specification sheets icon
Specification sheets
Knowledge of past testing/trials icon
Knowledge of past testing/trials
Cost icon
Company overview documentation icon
Company overview documentation
Capability description documentation icon
Technology/capability description documentation

JETT Capability Submission Video Tutorial

For a quick walkthrough to submit your technology, please watch this instructional video:


JETT Event Registration

JETT also has event information and registrations for some JPEO-CBRND-sponsored events. Click the “Register to Attend an Event Tab” in JETT (green button in the screenshot below) to read announcements and other information about upcoming meetings!

JETT Event Registration Screenshot

JETT is not a source selection portal, nor will information provided be used to award a contract. JETT is intended only for publicly available material and is not to be used to submit anything proprietary or classified, including personally identifiable information (PII).


Medical Partners

Do you have a medical countermeasure technology that could protect the public during a large-scale public health emergency (e.g., CBRN, pandemic, and emerging threats)? The Biomedical Advanced Research Development Authority (BARDA) within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR) manages the BARDA TechWatch Program to seek information from stakeholders on available medical countermeasures in development, threat-agnostic platform technologies and manufacturing capabilities to support domestic industrial-base expansion initiatives. BARDA is particularly interested in products, technologies, and capabilities that have progressed into or beyond clinical trials, have established large-scale cGMP manufacturing capability, or utilize an approved platform. Submissions to the TechWatch program are for market research purposes only and are not considered submissions for potential funding.


JPEO-CBRND Other Transactions (OTA) Consortia

An OTA Consortium is a group of companies that may partner or team together to address DOD requirements. OTAs are designed to streamline the funding process for industry partners to address pressing needs while enabling the DOD to access technology that would otherwise not be possible. OTAs are managed by the JPEO-CBRND's Contracting Office, and each OTA has specific technical focus. Visit these links for contact information and opportunities!

Medical CBRN Defense Consortium (MCDC) and Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) consortia were formed in response to the Government’s expressed interest to establish an OTA with an eligible entity or group of entities, to include industry, academic, and not-for-profit partners, for advanced development efforts to support the DOD medical pharmaceutical and diagnostic requirements as related to enhancing the mission effectiveness of military personnel.

Companies that are part of the US Industrial base, as well as new and emerging non-traditional defense contractors, are encouraged to join the cosortium and participate in Federally funded R&D projects. This includes traditional federal contractors, non-traditional contractors (companies that don’t typically participate in Federal R&D), academia and non-profit research institutions.

Medical CBRN Defense Consortium Logo
Medical CBRN Defense Consortium:

Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Consortium Logo
Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Consortium:


JPM CBRN Medical TechWatch

JPM CBRN Medical plays a vital role in enhancing the DoD strategy to prevent, diagnose, and treat the effects of CBRN threats and emerging infectious diseases. JPM CBRN Medical is instrumental in protecting civilian and military populations against injury and disease caused by naturally encountered infectious agents as well as intentional exposure related to CBRN warfare. Contact JPM CBRN Medical using the provided email address to share your capabilities and/or to partner in the advanced development and acquisition of safe, effective, and innovative medical solutions and systems to combat CBRN and other emerging infectious diseases.


Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program

The SBIR and STTR programs are highly competitive programs that encourage domestic small businesses to engage in Federal Research/Research and Development (R/R&D) with the potential for commercialization. Through a competitive awards-based program, SBIR and STTR enable small businesses to explore their technological potential and provide the incentive to profit from its commercialization. The mission of the SBIR/STTR programs is to support scientific excellence and technological innovation through the investment of Federal research funds in critical American priorities to build a strong national economy. Central to the STTR program is the partnership between small businesses and nonprofit research institutions to bridge the gap between basic science and commercialization. Logo

SBIR and STTR Programs:

Army Applications Laboratory

The Army Applications Laboratory (AAL) seeks to provide unsolicited proposals the opportunity to help solve Army problems without the worry of being lost in the shuffle, or not having the same resources as some federal solicitations that know how to work the system. AAL works together with startups, entrepreneurs, tech companies, VCs, universities, research labs, and others to solve Army problems. All that you need to do is submit a solution to one of AAL’s open topics and if your approach is a good fit, you get a contract. It's that simple. Rapid timelines and streamlined processes help you go from submission to prototype without battling the bureaucracy. When working on an AAL project, you not only get the opportunity to solve interesting problems, but you also get immersed into their cross-Army development process which includes access to end users, subject matter experts, and decision makers with immediate needs and real budgets. Logo

Join Army Applications Laboratory:

Real Time Concentration Detector

Do you have capabilities and/or novel products that provide digital real-time quantitative detection and identification of Chemical Warfare Agents (CWAs) and Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TICs) to replace legacy colorimetric tube-based systems?  If so, JPM CBRN SOF is interested in hearing from you.

The ideal capability should automate the ability to detect, quantify, and identify chemical materials of concern and be the smallest size, weight, and power (SWaP) possible while maintaining optimal performance of the detector.

Parameters of interest include: 

  • Detection: {T} chemical warfare agents and toxic industrial chemicals below IDLH {O} pharmaceutical based agents and low-volatility CWAs and TICs below IDLH 
  • Time to Detect: {T} 60 seconds or less with 80% accuracy {O} 30 seconds or less with 80% accuracy
  • Size, Weight, and Power (SWaP): {T} 7.6 x 3.8 x 2.6 in (19.4 x 9.7 x 6.6 cm) / 5 pounds or less / CR123 or AA for 12 hours of operation {O} 5.2 x 2.8 x 5.2 in. (13 x 7 x 13cm) / 1 pound or less / CR123 or AA for 18 hours of operation

Email Mr. Dave Williamson  ( to share your capability or technology.

2025 Technology Experimentation & Characterization Field Trials (TECFT) 

The upcoming 2025 Technology Experimentation & Characterization Field Trials (TECFT) at Dugway Proving Ground, Utah, scheduled for July 20 - August 1, 2025. We are planning to hold the first kick-off call (October 15, 2024) to brief event details, Dugway capabilities, and additional assets that could be included during the trials. The kick-off call will be held using MS Teams and will have an associated telephone number for those only able to use an audio connection.

Click the TECFT logo (to the right) to download the event flyer, which includes additional details. Let us know if there are additional questions. We look forward to speaking with you during the kick-off call on October 15, 2024 (at 1100 ET/0900 MT).


Register for the call through JETT:

Joint Enterprise Technology Tool (