Work With Us

Work With Us

Contracting Overview

The JPEO-CBRND's mission to provide the best CBRN defense technology and equipment — at the right place, at the right time, and the right cost — is possible only with the participation from industry. In support of the Joint Forces, industry plays a vital roll in supporting our nation's defense.

Contact Us

Joint Enterprise Technology Tool (JETT)

JETT Joint Enterprise Technology ToolA conduit to connect with JPEO! JETT is a web-based software application, optimized for industry engagement to connect your company with the right JPM or JPL.

To navigate to the JETT tool, click on the button below.

Joint Enterprise Technology Tool

Briefings & Resources

Do Business with the JPEO-CBRND with government and industry engagements, tech and innovations, OTAs and FAR-based contracts

Partnering Benefits

Work with the JPEO-CBRND on providing solutions that protect the Joint Force and the Warfighter from weapons of mass destruction. Help us achieve our vision of a resilient Joint Force that's enabled to fight and win unencumbered by CBRN environments.

Innovative Contracting Experience iconInnovative Contracting Experience

Industry and academia can expect an innovative contracting experience when partnering with the JPEO-CBRND. Learn more about how our Our Other Transactional Authority (OTA) agreements enable enhanced communications and support innovation. This includes open communication about upcoming CBRND contracting opportunities.

Agile Execution iconAgile Execution

We face a complex threat environment, and we need the partnership and support of industry and academia to help us develop and innovate at the speed of relevancy for our current CBRN defense environments. Partnering with the JPEO-CBRND also allows our industry and academic partners’ insight to plan their own Independent Research & Development (IR&D) investment priorities.

Share iconShare Your Latest Insights with Government

The JPEO-CBRND is eager to learn more about the latest innovations, capabilities and insights to help support the Joint Force and protect our Warfighters. Reach out at any time to connect with our JPEO-CBRND team about the ways your industry or institution are making strides. 

Keep Current iconKeep Current on the CBRND Industrial Base’s Needs

Are you curious about the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense Industry’s overarching needs for the next three to five years (and beyond)? Partnering with the JPEO-CBRND will provide your company insight into the way ahead for our organization as well as our CBRND partners.

Modernize iconHelp Modernize the Joint Force

The next few years promise to be an exciting time at the JPEO-CBRND as we help to prepare the next generation of protective gear, sensors, and medical equipment for the battlefield of the future. Help us establish and refine the long-term vision for CBRND capabilities.

Speed iconDevelopment at the Speed of Relevancy

Help the JPEO-CBRND tackle the R&D needs on the horizon and learn more about our "new start" programs. Through partnering with us you’ll also gain an understanding of the existing CBRN defense industrial base capabilities and upcoming priorities.

Contracting Focus Areas

JPEO-CBRND contracting office has two focus areas; Multiple Award Task Order Contract (MATOC) and Other Transaction Agreements (OTA).

OTA Icon

Multiple Award Task Order Contract (MATOC)

MATOCs promote competition, save costs, encourage small business participation, minimize time to award and streamline documentation. The MATOCs are managed by the Contracting Office. Click here for contact information and select below for information and opportunities in each contract area.


OTA Icon

Other Transactions Agreements (OTA)

OTAs are a very valuable tool to enable DOD to access technology that would otherwise not be possible. OTAs are managed by the JPEO-CBRND's Contracting Office. Click below for contact information and opportunities in each OTA contract area below.


Alternative Contracts

Stand Alone Contracts

No "one size fits all" model exists for CBRND product development and production. Each collaboration is as unique as the product. Stand-alone contracts are another tool in the toolbox. Considerations in selection of vehicles range from acquisition history, urgency of requirement, complexity of requirement as well as other factors.

Learn more about the stand alone contracts through our JPEO-CBRND Contracting Office. You can also learn more about all available contract opportunities through the General Services Administration's


JPM CBRN Medical TechWatch

JPM CBRN Medical plays a vital role in enhancing the U.S. Department of Defense’s strategy to prevent, diagnose and treat the effects of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) threats and emerging infectious diseases. JPM CBRN Medical is instrumental in protecting civilian and military populations against injury and disease caused by encountered infectious agents as well as intentional exposure related to CBRN warfare. Opportunities through a public-private partnership to help JPM CBRN Medical in the advanced development and acquisition of safe, effective and innovative medical solutions and systems to combat CBRN and other emerging infectious diseases.

Contact Medical TechWatch