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Mr. Steven Batts, JPM CBRN Protection
JPM CBRN Protection

Mr. Steven Batts

JPM CBRN Protection

Mr. Steven Batts is the Joint Project Manager for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Protection (JPM CBRN Protection). He assumed the role of JPM in October 2022 and is responsible for the development, fielding, and modernization of individual and collective protection as well as hazard mitigation equipment. He manages the full lifecycle of all programs of record and more than 70 programs in sustainment. Mr. Batts received his Graduate Degree from Webster University in the field of Procurement and Acquisition Management. He has also received a Bachelor’s Degree from Park University while studying the field of Business Management. Mr. Batts is a member of the Defense Acquisition Corps and is Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act Level III certified in Program Management. 

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COL Matthew Clark, JPM CBRN Medical
JPM CBRN Medical

COL Matthew Clark

JPM CBRN Medical

Colonel Matthew Clark is the Joint Project Manager for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Medical (JPM CBRN Medical). In this role, he is responsible for medical countermeasure development against CBRN threats as well as diagnostic efforts in support of the Nation's chemical and biological defense. Commissioned from Coe College ROTC in 1995, COL Clark holds a PhD in behavioral and neural sciences from Rutgers University, a doctorate of humane letters from Coe College, and a Master's degree in strategic studies from the Army War College. He is a member of the Army Acquisition Corps and DAWIA Level III certified in Program Management and Contracting.

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Mr. Timothy Tharp
JPM CBRN Sensors

Mr. Timothy Tharp

JPM CBRN Sensors

Mr. Timothy Tharp is the Joint Project Manager (JPM) for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Sensors. He is responsible for the development, manufacture, test, fielding and life-cycle management of CBRN sensors for the Joint Force. Prior to this position, Mr. Tharp completed the Defense Senior Leader Program in April 2024. Mr. Tharp retired from the U.S. Army Special Operations Command as a Sergeant Major after 21 years of service. Mr. Tharp holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Franklin University, a Master of Science in Program Management from the Naval Post Graduate School, and a Master of Arts in National Security and Strategic Studies from the U.S. Naval War College. 

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Ms.Karen Burke, Acting JPM CBRN Special Operations Forces (SOF)

Ms. Lindsay Longobardi

JPM CBRN Special Operations Forces (SOF)

Ms. Longobardi is the Joint Project Manager for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Special Operations Forces (JPM CBRN SOF).  In this role, she serves as the senior civilian leading and directing daily business operations to rapidly acquire and equip the Special Operations and Special Purpose Forces with critical CBRN defense equipment necessary for mission success. Ms. Longobardi previously served as the Deputy Joint Project Lead for CBRND Enabling Biotechnologies.  She earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biotechnology and a minor in Biochemical Pharmacology from the State University of New York at Buffalo, a Master’s Degree in Biotechnology from The Johns Hopkins University, and a Master of Business Administration from Hood College. Ms. Longobardi is also a certified Project Management Professional and certified Advanced in Program Management from the Defense Acquisition University.
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Mr. Bruce Goodwin, JPL CBRND Enabling Biotechnologies (EB)
JPL CBRND Enabling Biotechnologies (EB)

Mr. Bruce Goodwin

JPL CBRND Enabling Biotechnologies (EB)

Mr. Goodwin is the Joint Project Lead (JPL) for the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense Enabling Biotechnologies (JPL CBRND EB). As the JPL CBRND EB, Mr. Goodwin is responsible for leading EB’s mission to provide new and improved medical countermeasures (MCM) to enable a single treatment for many threats, rapid medical countermeasure responses, genomic sequencing and the capability to diagnose CBRN threats before the onset of symptoms. In addition, JPL CBRND EB seeks to modernize the DoD’s approach across the MCM spectrum by building, maturing, and integrating capabilities and infrastructure to support accelerated MCM development, manufacturing, testing, and deployment. Mr. Goodwin earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Salisbury University and is Level III certified in Program Management from the Defense Acquisition University.

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Mr. Paul Gietka, JPL CBRN Integration
JPL CBRN Integration

Mr. Paul Gietka

JPL CBRN Integration

Mr. Gietka is the Joint Project Lead for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Integration (JPL CBRN Integration), delivering integrated, layered CBRN defense across combined, and Joint All-Domain Operations for the Joint Program Executive Office for CBRN Defense (JPEO-CBRND). In this role, Mr. Gietka is responsible for the total lifecycle of enterprise information technology systems and leads a team that provides enterprise-wise CBRN threat warning and reporting, hazard prediction, and decision support capabilities for the collection, analysis, and dissemination of CBRN defense information.

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