

Archive: 2023

Sharpening the Tip of the Spear: USSOCOM Experiment Yields Valuable User Feedback for CBRN Defense Developers
December 10, 2023
CBRN sensors on robot dogs are let into a door by a service member in full CBRN gear.

Enduring Capability: JPEO-CBRND evolves public/private partnership with National Resilience
December 5, 2023
A building with three flags in front of it

So Rad! Virtual Training Facilitates Faster Fielding of Personal Radiation Detection Tool to the Joint Force
November 16, 2023
a woman service member stands and looks at her wrist, equipped with a wrist-worn device that looks like a smart watch.

One System, Varied Missions: SOCOM Community’s Collaborative Efforts Deliver A Comprehensive CBRN Protective Mask
November 13, 2023
Two soldiers wearing CBRN protective gear walk down a hill during a training exercise with full coverage face masks, suites, gloves and boots.

Common Analytical Laboratory System Field Confirmatory Analytical Capability Set (CALS FC ACS) Completes Fielding to the National Guard
October 27, 2023
A graphical depiction of the three chemical detector systems and two biological detector systems.

CBRN Defense, Computer Software, and Command Decisions: CSC2 Program Supports the Joint Force through Integrated Software Tools
October 25, 2023
1st Marine Division

Hawaii Airmen Enhance Warfighting Capabilities Through Technology
October 16, 2023
In the foreground a woman stands on a tarmac with he rback to the camera, she has protective  headphones over her ears. She is wearing a shirt that says "Wearables Experiment" and in the background there is a fighter jet under an open airplane hangar.

JPM CBRN Medical publication featured in the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
October 12, 2023

AL&T Feature - Fail Forward and Pivot
October 2, 2023
Yellow star with black background

Courage, Commitment, and COVID-19: How the JA2 Team Achieved Success in the Face of a Global Pandemic
September 29, 2023
A group of 15 staff stand with awards and official US flags are in the background


Download our press kit, which includes helpful documents to better understand our work, such as – Command Brief, Chemical Biological Defense Program's Enterprise strategy, the JPEO-CBRND's Capabilities Catalog, Leadership Biographies, COVID-19 fact sheets, and contracting overview documents.  



JPEO-CBRND Public Affairs Office

The JPEO-CBRND Public Affairs Office coordinates and responds to all public affairs and media relations needs on behalf of the JPEO-CBRND. To request a speaker, subject matter expert, or for other interview or request for comment please email our Public Affairs Office email below.