
Archive: July, 2023

JPEO-CBRND Awards $39.8 Million Contract to Kaléo, Inc. for Next Generation Reconstitution Autoinjector Device – Atropine (RAD-A)
July 18, 2023
Service member kneels in the snow and reaches for small medical device that is a loaded autoinjector

Air Force fields Joint Service Aircrew Mask for Strategic Aircraft
July 5, 2023
Two men stand in the foreground. On the left, an Airmen demonstrates how to wear the Joint Service Aircrew Mask for Strategic Aircraft (JSAM-SA) and the trainer stands in civilian clothes on right during an instructional briefing.


Download our press kit, which includes helpful documents to better understand our work, such as – Command Brief, Chemical Biological Defense Program's Enterprise strategy, the JPEO-CBRND's Capabilities Catalog, Leadership Biographies, COVID-19 fact sheets, and contracting overview documents.  



JPEO-CBRND Public Affairs Office

The JPEO-CBRND Public Affairs Office coordinates and responds to all public affairs and media relations needs on behalf of the JPEO-CBRND. To request a speaker, subject matter expert, or for other interview or request for comment please email our Public Affairs Office email below.