Thank you to all who attended the SPARK Proposal Kick-off event on 20 April! We look forward to receiving your proposal submissions through 26 May, 2023.  
SPARK Flow Chart
NEW for FY23! SPARK Seedling proposals: only a 3-month period of performance with funding of up to $50,000! Call for proposals opens late April 2023, proposals accepted through 26 May 2023. Only a written 3-page proposal is needed, no oral pitches from finalists.
The JPEO-CBRND Headquarters conducts SPARK because we are committed to identifying and cultivating innovative[1] commercial products and services from industry by supporting the realization of fresh solutions for the best warfighter capabilities. The JPEO-CBRND is committed to identifying innovative commercial products and services for delivering the best countering weapons of mass destruction (CWMD) and chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) defense capabilities to the warfighter in the shortest amount of time. More information on the mission and programs of the JPEO-CBRND can be found at
  • Department of Defense leadership is focused on developing transformational technologies and approaches that counter challenges from adversaries, ensuring readiness and modernization.
  • The JPEO-CBRND is dedicated to realizing technological improvements that defeat WMD and maximize CBRN defense capabilities most effectively for the warfighter, enabling them to conduct their missions irrespective of CBRN hazards. This involves fresh thinking, smart partnering, and capitalizing on emerging technological options.
  • SPARK seeks to leverage Industry innovation and scouts for new technology and better, more efficient ways of meeting the JPEO-CBRND mission; SPARK is one way that the JPEO-CBRND does this. While open to a broad range of innovative proposals, in FY23, SPARK is focused on data integration and digital transformation and seeks innovative proposals utilizing up to $50,000 in funding for work that can be completed in under 3 months by the end of 2023.
SPARK is a means to overcome shortfalls or delays/gaps in our capability development activities. We want to think boldly and differently about material solutions to warfighter problems and the processes needed to deliver these, and to act on these ideas in concrete ways.
The Focus Areas for SPARK 2023 are integrated testing and training tools within data integration and digital transformation:
Data Integration
  • Operational data science (Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning) for CBRN Decision Support: JPEO‑CBRND is interested in exploring applications of data science for command & control (C2) and decision support of CBRND operations. CBRND operations is a general term and may include any military activity that involves a CBRN threat, such as reconnaissance, threat identification, protective posture, decontamination, medical treatment, and site exploitation. Proposals may apply broadly to any area of data science, including but not limited to operational data acquisition, model development, and data visualizations. Technologies that apply common data science use cases (e.g., route planning, image analysis) towards CBRN defense are highly encouraged.
  • CBRN and non-CBRN operational/tactical data fusion to inform JADC2: The Department of Defense is moving towards more jointly integrated operations supported by data sources from multiple domains under the concept of Joint All-Domain Command & Control (JADC2). As the main provider of CBRN data for each of the services, JPEO-CBRND is seeking solutions that integrate CBRN data with other all-domain data to provide the commander with additional decision-making aids. Proposals may identify any technology that provides data fusion, such as applications that provide an all-domain common operating picture (COP), message translation software that integrates data from multiple sources (e.g., electronic warfare + CBRN), or cross-domain solutions that enable data to be shared on multiple enclaves.
  • Integrated/system of systems testing & training approaches: JPEO-CBRND is evolving its approach to capability development by focusing on a system of systems (SoS) approach to CBRN defense. These SoS solutions will require new ways of performing integrated testing and training using new tools and methodologies. The organization is seeking proposals that provide the capability to do integrated testing (live, virtual or constructive) or training in any setting (e.g., field, laboratory). Some examples include integrated soldier kit models for size/weight/power/cooling performance or enterprise training platforms that offer CBRN and non-CBRN integrated C2 modules.
Digital Transformation
  • Development, Security, and Operations (DevSecOps) with focus on Security and Operations areas for Joint Capability Delivery: JPEO-CBRND is seeking proposals that will explore applying DevSecOps to the development of CBRN defense applications. The organization is looking to identify technologies and processes that facilitate and provide operator feedback directly to software developers in a more agile manner (DevOps). The organization is also pursuing software pilots that will utilize DoD-approved DevSecOps environments to perform real-time monitoring of cyber risk to pursue a continuous authority to operate (cATO).
  • Digital Engineering to support portfolio integration: JPEO-CBRND is implementing the DoD Digital Engineering (DE) Strategy with a specific emphasis on DE to support portfolio integration. The organization is looking for DE tools, technologies and techniques that provide system of systems integration services, such as mission engineering, portfolio optimization, and reference architecture validation. Scope of digital engineering is broad and may include anything from model-based systems engineering, modeling & simulation, portfolio lifecycle management, or digital twin.
  • Workforce upskilling in Digital Transformation: The Army has placed a priority on digital transformation (DT) in acquisitions and JPEO-CBRND is seeking to develop its workforce in the areas of DevSecOps, enterprise data management, data science, cyber, and general topics in digital innovation. Proposals in this topic may include technologies and platforms that directly provide workforce development, continuous learning, certification, or other solutions for talent management.
We seek innovative ideas from within the JPEO, as well as from partners, both existing and new! Note: TRL of proposed technologies must be at TRL 4 or greater; technologies at the TRL1, TRL2, and TRL3 levels will not be considered for award.

Who can submit SPARK proposals?
All government JPEO-CBRND staff, regardless of time or role in the organization. If you have an idea on how to identify and explore technology more creatively, or how to help us function more effectively and efficiently internally, we want to hear from you! Junior staff are very much welcomed to participate, as well as those with years of experience. Projects that leverage insight gained from industry experience and/or other DoD/government organizations are valued.
Personnel from external organizations or contractors are also welcome to submit ideas; a JPEO-CBRND government sponsor (an individual) will need to sponsor such proposals. If you are from an outside organization (e.g., partner government organization, military component, industry, laboratory, university) and you have an idea that may address a JPEO-CBRND or JPEO-CBRND customer need, we would love to see your SPARK proposal. If you need assistance, submit your capability (not your proposal nor any proprietary information) via JETT to connect with the right folks at the JPEO that may be a good fit to sponsor your ideas. Under "What brings you to the JPEO-CBRND?" select Other and in the text box type that you are looking for a SPARK sponsor.
After clicking on the JETT link, you will be prompted to answer a series of questions that will create a roadmap to connect you with a JPM, JPL, a program manager, or a technologist to share ideas and inventions. Industry members will have the opportunity to read descriptions of JPM or JPL market research areas of interest and be able to select up to three offices that are most appropriate to contact regarding a given capability or technology. For each office selected, industry members will be asked to answer a short questionnaire and upload any additional relevant information.  These responses will go directly to the designated office for review and follow-up. JETT is not a source selection portal nor will information provided be used to award a contract.  JETT is intended only for publicly available material and is not to be used to submit anything proprietary or classified, including personally identifiable information (PII). To access the JETT tool, either go to the JPEO Work With Us page and click on the JETT logo, or go directly to
[1] “Innovative" means any technology, process, or method, including research and development that is new as of the date of submission of a proposal, or any application that is new as of the date of submission of a proposal of a technology, process, or method existing as of such date.
Fy22 SPARK Winners

The Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense (JPEO-CBRND) fuels innovation and problem solving by providing funding for transformative technical and process-related projects.

SPARK is an opportunity hosted by JPEO-CBRND leadership that enables innovative ideas to be submitted and considered for funding. Projects may be technical or process in nature. Proposals are two to three pages in length, must have a JPEO government sponsor, and submitted ideas are evaluated by a review board.

We apply funding to transformative ideas, accomplishing what would typically take years in just months. The JPEO-CBRND seeks ideas from JPEO-CBRND staff, laboratories, industry, and end users so we may take them to the next level. Create the next game changer with SPARK!

Review the FY23 SPARK Kickoff presentation slides


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