

Tag: COVID -19

DOD Awards Contract to Siemens Healthineers to Purchase COVID-19 Antigen Over-the-Counter Test Kits in Support of POTUS' 500 Million Free At-Home COVID-19 Tests
January 24, 2022
A servicemember sits in a yellow shirt in front of a table of red and blue testing vials. Covi

DOD Awards Contracts to Purchase COVID-19 Antigen Over-the-Counter Test Kits in Support of POTUS' 500 Million Free At-Home COVID-19 Tests
January 14, 2022
American flags against a blue sky background

DOD Awards Contracts to Purchase COVID-19 Antigen Over-the-Counter Test Kits in Support of POTUS' 500 Million Free At-Home COVID-19 Tests
January 10, 2022
In the foreground a hand holding an orange sticker that says "I got my vaccine". In the background there are three medical personnel wearing personal protective equipment.

DOD Awards $51.6 Million Contract to Goldbelt Security LLC to Purchase COVID-19 Antigen Over-the-Counter Test Kits in Support of POTUS' 500 Million Free At-Home COVID-19 Tests
January 7, 2022
Two uniformed service members are in a tent. One wears PPE and a faceshield, while they use a nasal swab to collect a COVID-19 sample from the other Service member in uniform.

DOD Awards Contract to Revival Health Inc. to Purchase COVID-19 Antigen Over-the-Counter Test Kits in Support of POTUS' 500 Million Free At-Home COVID-19 Tests
January 7, 2022

DOD Awards $136.7 Million Contract to MilliporeSigma to Establish Domestic Production Capacity of Critical Material Used in COVID-19 Point-of-Care Tests
December 30, 2021

Biden Administration Secures 10 Million Courses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 Oral Antiviral Medicine as Additional Tool to Reduce Hospitalizations and Save Lives
November 18, 2021
American flags against a blue sky background

JPM CBRN Medical Provides Relief and Recovery in the Age of a Global Pandemic
October 4, 2021
Two uniformed service members are in a tent. One wears PPE and a faceshield, while they use a nasal swab to collect a COVID-19 sample from the other Service member in uniform.

JPM CBRN Medical Provides Relief and Recovery in the Age of a Global Pandemic
September 8, 2021
Aerial photo of Ellume's new Fredrick, MD diagnostics manufacturing facility.

DOD Awards $64.6 Million Contract to SiO2 Medical Products to Increase Domestic Production Capacity of Pharmaceutical Vials
July 29, 2021
Crystal Tyler, pharmacy technician, prepares an injection for an Operation Warp Speed patient volunteer at Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, November 16, 2020. BAMC and Wilford Hall Ambulatory Surgical Center are participating in the Phase III trial to evaluate the vaccine under development by AstraZeneca as part of a national initiative to accelerate the development, production and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics.


Download our press kit, which includes helpful documents to better understand our work, such as – Command Brief, Chemical Biological Defense Program's Enterprise strategy, the JPEO-CBRND's Capabilities Catalog, Leadership Biographies, COVID-19 fact sheets, and contracting overview documents.  



JPEO-CBRND Public Affairs Office

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