On August 10th, JPM CBRN Medical held a “Year of the IPT” kickoff meeting at the Fort Detrick Auditorium in Fort Detrick, Maryland. Integrated Product Teams (IPTs) are the core execution team in the organization and this kickoff refocuses attention on the value of these teams and those partners involved in the team. The kickoff celebrated that the year ahead will focus on current internal IPT functions and processes, as well as improvement opportunities ahead.
To quote COL Matthew Clark, Joint Project Manager for CBRN Medical, “The ‘Year of the IPT’ is our way of saying we’re going to invest in ourselves. This is how we review areas for improvement, and make our organization better … that is the goal.”
The “Year of the IPT” activities will include focused “hard” skills training, led by members of the JPM CBRN Medical leadership team, as well as
Defense Acquisition University (DAU) “soft skills” training over the course of the year ahead. Including an overarching “Back-to-Basics” focus to ensure the IPTs have the necessary tools for continued success. Other activities will include documentation of best practices and a renewed focus on partnerships and teaming. The meeting ended with an official Assistant Product Manager memorandum signing ceremony for each IPT and refreshments in the lobby.